Monday, 29 July 2013

Damsel? Yes. Distressed? No. A review of the Consular Story Part 5.5

Between Planet Sexy and Tunisia, we get a bit of a detour. You receive a distress call from a Republic vessel named the Carida. It has been commandeered and its crew terrorized  by one of its passengers: a fairly powerful padawan. There's a lot of airlock action here, the crazy padawan blows a poor engineer out into space for kicks. Then she blows herself out of the airlock!

Notable in this mission is your first encounter with Lord Vivicar. The name has come up here and there as the entity behind the plague. His end of the conversation amounts to standard villain dialogue where he shows contempt for you and the Jedi, taunts you about Master Yuon and rants that you'll never stop his dastardly plan.

Playing it Darkside, he does point out that you haven't been using the shielding technique on the afflicted Masters you've found so far. At this point you can respond with something defensive about how you had no choice but to kill the poor buggers.  Like I said before, the Darkside Consular is all about justifying their awfulness. This stems from a sense of superiority to everyone else because no one else is in a position to know what's best!

But as for the very pertinent question that Vivicar asks (abut how you've obviously fallen), that's the only time anyone actually asks about Darkside choices! The main villain of  Chapter 1 has more to say about your transgressions than the Jedi Council! I'll get to this issue in more detail when I reach the end of chapter 1. Until then, it's off to the mother of all dust bowls...

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